BIOLAB has a distinctive edge over its competitors in quality management, skilled managerial force with all infrastructure.
Our products :
Human Skeleton Models, Anatomical Models, Torso Models,
Medical Models, etc. required by Institutions (Schools & Colleges), Nurses Teaching & Training Institutes, Medical Colleges, Pharmacy & Para-medical Colleges, etc.
Our other product range includes ‘AGAR AGAR’ used by plant tissue culture industries, food and pharmaceutical industries.
Milestone :
Over the past few years, BIOLAB has introduced several new products, expanded its operations to keep pace with evolving customer needs.
Today BIOLAB is the market leader and established a reputation in the respective market due its high quality products, competitive rates and best services.
Marketing :
Our direct marketing approach has ensured that we keep pace with the changing need of our customers.
Trade Fairs / Exhibitions:
Regular participation in trade fairs and exhibitions, coverage in TV channels namely Kairalee TV and Dooradarshan has resulted into more of awareness and greater visibility for our products.

Email : info@biolab.co.in Phone : 080-28384100
# 162 Rijin Villa, Gangamma Circle ,Jalahalli, Bangalore 560013, India